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Julius Fabbri - Project Leader and Geologist


Julius Fabbri was born in Trieste in 1973, professor of Sciences at the middle school "Julia Division" of Trieste; degree in geology from the University of Trieste, former cadet at military school "Nunziatella" of Naples, environmental consultant, geologist, he has collaborated with some private firms carrying out geophysical research mainly dealing with seismic and ground penetrating radar, and he has collaborated with the Experimental Geophysics Observatory of Trieste and participated in the XIX Campaign 2003-2004 Antarctic PNRA on board the ship "OGS-Explora" near King George Island. He has a great mountaineering experience and is specialized in Antarctic safety and survival, trainied at the PNRA.

Adriantartica Team

Adriantartica is a team of well known researches, explorers, sportmen ad reporters. Aiming to explore wild and extreme enviroments of  the Antarctica, perform environmental analyses and scientifc researches on geology and biology, each member of Adriantartica is an expert to deal with specific field of natural enviroments with wide expertize and in science and in modern technology.

an Italian expedition to the gates of Antarctica

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